Home Authors Posts by Ben Payton

Ben Payton

Private investors are beginning to find a role in funding interconnector projects in Europe.
Infrastructure funds are under growing pressure to deliver ‘nature-positive’ investments.
While scaleability remains a concern, microgrids have a significant role in bringing power to developing countries.
Infrastructure projects are key to place-based impact investing fulfilling its potential.
Exploring the investment opportunities arising in emerging markets and new thematics amid seismic socioeconomic changes.
solar panels on roof
The real and perceived unreliability of off-takers means investors are hesitant to commit to renewables in developing markets, but this could be set to change.
The recent rush to conserve energy highlights the importance of – and opportunities for investing in – efficiency.
New recycling infrastructure is needed, but this is only part of the solution.
windfarm in fields
The question is no longer whether the chaos in the global energy system will accelerate the age of renewables, but how – and how fast.
Super sewer pic
How will London’s ‘super sewer’ benefit the UK capital? Ben Payton took a trip underground to find out.

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