Co-head of infra Churchill George Yong says Lincoln Terminal Holdings’ ‘underlying business is similar to a utility’
The project was meant to be financed under a $3.9bn deal. Now, two years and a global health crisis later, major stakeholders have agreed on a revised plan of up to $4.7bn.
The GP partnered with Spirit Super, after the latter’s failed bid to acquire the Australian bulk port alongside Palisade Investment Partners.
Brookfield’s Global Transition Fund will acquire Origin’s Energy Markets business, while MidOcean will take on the firm’s LNG assets.
The Canadian pension is set to invest ¥70 billion in renewables developer Shizen Energy, in a deal that will also see it enter renewables markets in Southeast Asia.
The 850MW Waratah Super Battery project in New South Wales will act as a ‘shock absorber’ for the state's power system.
Brookfield Renewable's CFO Wyatt Hartley told us Westinghouse’s ‘infra-like cashflows’ helped the Global Transition Fund enter the sector.
solar energy farm
Co-founder David Scaysbook tells us how the GP made an over 2x return on its investment in US solar and wind developer Scout Clean Energy.
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Following pressure from Mike Cannon-Brookes' Grok Ventures, AGL Energy will retire its coal fleet 10 years earlier and will invest up to A$20bn to decarbonise its portfolio.
Windfarm Vietnam
Director of energy infrastructure Rahul Agrawal walks us through Actis’s majority stake purchase in Vietnam-based renewables platform Levanta Renewables.

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