Nominations are open for the fourth annual Women of Influence in Private Markets list, which recognises trailblazing women in alternative assets.
The deadline for nominations is end of day Friday 24 May 2024. Submit your nomination here.
The Women of Influence list 2024 will be published in October by Private Equity International, Private Debt Investor, Infrastructure Investor, Venture Capital Journal and PERE.
The list will feature individuals working in private markets, including private equity, infrastructure, private debt, real estate, venture capital and across alternative asset classes.
The following criteria will be considered:
- The nominee’s achievements in their career, their firm or the private funds industry to date, and particularly over the last 12 months;
- Evidence of innovation or game-changing actions;
- Evidence of leadership, impact or influence on others within the industry and beyond.
Achievements considered noteworthy might include, for example: a promotion; starting a mentoring programme; playing an instrumental role in an innovative or significant deal; implementing an ESG policy; leading their fund’s investment activity in a new sector or region; taking identifiable steps to facilitate greater DE&I in their firm/portfolio companies/the wider industry; founding a new firm; helping their organisation successfully navigate market disruption.
To be eligible, nominees must work in the private funds industry, namely private equity, private debt, infrastructure, venture capital or real estate. We welcome nominations for women working in a variety of roles at investment firms (such as on the investment team, IR, operations, marketing and portfolio support), LPs, as well as advisory firms (eg, law firms, placement agents, capital advisory firms).
We also welcome a diverse range of nominations – there are no age or geographical restrictions.
Nominees should not have appeared in PEI Group’s 2021, 2022 or 2023 Women of Influence in Private Markets lists.
How to submit your nomination
- Fill in the online nomination form.
- On the form, in less than 300 words, include details of what the person has achieved in their career to date, and particularly over the past 12 months, to make them worthy of being included in the list.
- Any information included in the nomination should be suitable for publication.
- Tell us which asset class(es) the nominee covers: private equity; infrastructure; private debt; venture capital; real estate; cross asset class. Choose the option that applies most closely – PEI Group’s editorial teams reserve the right to consider all entries for all categories.
- Tell us the profile of the organisation the individual works for (GP/fund; LP/investor; advisory firm).
- Firms and PRs are welcome to submit nominations, with no more than a single nomination per firm for each primary asset class (private equity; infrastructure; private debt; real estate; venture capital; cross asset class).
- If you are nominating someone from your own firm, you must also nominate a candidate from another firm to be eligible.
If you have any queries, please contact: