Cabanes has departed alongside fellow director Deepak Malhotra, months after CDPQ India managing director Saurabh Agarwal also left.
In an exclusive interview, the industry veteran talks about leaving Apollo, setting up Northampton Capital Partners, and why he’s not afraid to ‘get creative’.
Of the seven staff Plenary poached from AMP Capital to run its funds management arm in 2021, four have now left, including CEO and partner Julie-Anne Mizzi.
Annabel Wiscarson, who is not thought to have a new role lined up, leaves GIP in the midst of a $25bn fundraising effort.
Our list of the 20 Rising Stars in the industry under 40.
Deals are harder to clinch but they are coming back, paving the way for a better 2024, as infra's top women met in London this week.
The Melbourne office brings the firm's total global presence to 11 and is its fifth in the APAC region.
The firm has partnered with credit manager Capital Four and is winding down its equity business with the departure of two senior partners.
The reorganisation of its management comes amid the recent €1.35bn closing of its third fund, €150m short of target.
The termination comes after Foo’s former co-head of infra, long-time staffer Geoff Strong, left the firm late last year.