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The increasing number and size of battery storage projects has created a supply-demand gap in the insurance market. NARDAC's Tom Harries explains why and what investors should consider when investing in these projects.
GPIF head of infrastructure Kikuko Emae address the Infrastructure Investor Network Tokyo Forum
GPIF head of infrastructure Kikuko Emae says the fund is ‘cautiously in due diligence’ over several new commitments.
'We play all angles,' Industriens' head of real assets, Jan Østergaard says, detailing the LP's approach to investing in the asset class.
A big win in April’s Japanese capacity auction is the latest sign of I Squared Capital’s commitment to investing in the region, with more to come.
a Norwegian hydro power plant in sunlight
Founder Mortimer Menzel sees high power prices as the calling card for the Nordic hydro PPAs his firm is offering investors via a new €400m fund.
A first close is earmarked for later this year, which could see the vehicle raise about half of its targeted capital.
New firm Proxima aims to capitalise on an undersupply of trains in key parts of the market, co-founder Tim Jackson tells us.
The world’s biggest institutional investors have allocated $723bn to infrastructure, a noticeable increase.
Spin out
The new entity, Alba Infra Partners, will invest in the lower mid-market, targeting investments ranging from €25m to €75m, Stephane Grandguillaume and John Cavill tell Infrastructure Investor.
price tag, sales tag, infra secondaries
Amid LP demand for liquidity and distributions, the infra secondaries market saw an unprecedented rise last year. We uncover how this positions the market for future growth. 

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